Mommy Confessional

Monday, July 5, 2010

Venting and stewing

I'm sitting here stewing over events from this past weekend. I live in the middle of nowhere and yet our neighbors stereo kept me up all night friday night. Those neighbors were a little over a mile away. Seriously rude of them. I understand it was 4th of July weekend but at 1am the music shouldn't be getting louder. Not only that, they were blaring meriachi music. Peoples taste in music are none of my business but how does meriachi music celebrate the Independance of the United States of America? I don't know and not sure I really care. All I know is it kept me up all night. Around 1am when I'd finnaly reached my breaking point, I called the sheriffs. Yes, I did. I'm the type of person that you can push and push and I won't let it bother me until I've hit that limit. That limit happens to be very large unfortunately. Then yesterday on the way home on the freeway we get stuck behind a drunk driver. Seems to be a frequent accurance for us. They were swirving so badly that they came close to hitting the guardrail on several occassions. We couldn't pass them because they also kept swirving into our lane. Not so much fun. We got their license plate number before they turned off and tracked down a sherrif and highway patrol who also had someone else pulled over and unformed them of the drunk driver. Not only that we were having electrical issues with our vehicle on the way home. Luckily we made it home without any accidents or injurries. I don't understand why people get in the car and drive drunk. It's amazing the stupidity and craziness that accurrs in my life. Thats not even my own stupidity or craziness. I always try to treat others how I would like to be treated, or atleast try too. The problem that I keep running across is that no one else applies that rule to life. All they care about is their own selves. So why do I keep trying? It must be ingrained into me to the point that I can't help but be polite to others. I have to look at it as a gift from God because he knows as well as I do that I was never taught to have morals or a good outlook on life. After taking a personality test in phycology my teacher told me that I have one of those rare personalities that sponges up all the good. That even though I was raised in a horrible environment my personality wouldn't conform to it or break. I forget now what she had said it was called and I thought it was peculair at the time. I used to think it was cool and a blessing but there are times that I think its a curse. People are always walking over me. If someone forgets to pay me for something or a loan I gave them I just write it off. I can't confront them even if I need the money. It takes alot to get me into a confrontation. I have to be going through multipule stress levels and at my breaking point. Its deffinately a curse at times. Anyway time to stop venting and get off my soapbox.

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