Mommy Confessional

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Trials and tribulations of a sick person

I went to the doctor today because i've spent the last few days sick. Turns out I have some virus and apparently passed it on to my DH. Not like I meant too. Basically I left with a prescription for an anti-nausia pill and strict diet orders. The diet is called 'the brat diet'. Banannas, applesause and rice. NOTHING else. Nothing spicy or even more solid for the next few days. On the plus side, that means more weight loss. On the negative, do you know how hard thats going to be once the vommiting stops? EXTREMELY because I love to eat. I decided I needed to go to walmart after for toilet paper. What a mistake that was! With the construction the traffic getting in and out of the parking lot is horridous not to mention the inside "improvements". I swear its the last time I try to brave walmart when I feel this bad. It took an hour for a trip that shoul have took ten minutes max! The entrance at the stop light was blocked off so everyone had to use the other entrance which blocked atlot of traffic. Everyone was irritable. So if you don't have to go to walmart in Visalia....DON'T. Not until they get the road construction finished. What was worse is that there wasnt one road worker in sight. It really gets to me when its working hours and theres no one in sight or when there is they're all just standing around talking and laughing. Hello people! You can't get work done that way! After walmart I had to go by Rite-Aide on the way home to get my precription. I took a back way and well I shouldn't have. I ran into yet more road contruction. Atleast they were doing their job and working. When I get to Rite-Aide the girl had to hunt down my prescription. She was going to give me one for my inhailer and I had to explain to her that wasnt the prescription called in that it was he anti-naisia meds. They're just plain dumb at this Rite-Aide. I was going to buy DH his icecream but there were only two checkouts, one didnt even have her light on and the other was an very slow person. Although she is a very nice lady and I enjoy talking to her. The young girl who never tirns her light on is rude. I mean to the point I've almost asked for the manager on several occasions. There were so many people trying to check out that I didn't bother with buying ice-cream. I wasn't feeling good enough to stand there for fifteen minutes. On the way home some guy in a white honda tried rear ending me on three occassion. It basically was just not my day. I understand that my feelings of anger or aggrivation were intensified by the fact that I'm sick, which is exactly why I refused to act or say a thing. Thankfully I am at home now and am going to rest up. I just pray this passes soon.

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