Mommy Confessional

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Twilight Saga: Eclipse the movie

I decided to go see Eclipse today at the theatre and boy am I happy I did. The fight scene alone made it worth wild! Seriously the diractor Chris Weitz is completly awedsome. No one else could have done it better or half as good. There wasn't a whole lot that was forgotten or skipped over and that made me extreamly happy. There where only two things that irked me about the whole thing. The fact that Victoria isn't played by the same actress for one. Now the actress they got did a really good job. I just always hate it when they switch actors on me. Just knowing what the original Victoria looked like made me immediately hate the new one. Ok hate is a strong word but thats what I thought when they first showed her face. However now I dont hate her, I just have to retrain my brain now telling myself Victoria changed her look alittle. Secondly at the end they didn't actually go tell Charlie about the engagement like they did in the book. Although it really was a good point to leave the movie at. So hopefully the next movie will start off with Charlie nagging her about telling Rene. I know that I really enjoyed Eclipse. Jasper was awesome! The fact that his role was bigger and he had more talking lines really gave you more inside to him. That and he didn't look so constipated through out the movie was a huge plus. I would have to say that he was my number one new fav in Ecipse. My second would be Bree Tanner, the young girl that was turned into a vampire by Victoria for her army. They really seemed to focus alot on her and the actress was perfect. I can't wait to read the book "The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner" by Stephenie Meyer now to get another insight on her. Now that i've seen Eclipse i've had scenes from Breaking Dawn running through my head like a movie. The Cullens will be boarding vampires from around the world and werewolves that are going to help in the fight against the Volturri. Jasper being the great general that he is will be teaching them how to fight offensivey and deffensively. My favorite part of the book is when Emmit and Bella get into a arm restleing match and then Bella starts breaking boulders with her bare hands. I do have to say that my favorite like from the movie was Jane saying "It's time we either let them do what they were created to do or destroy them...decisions decisions"

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