Mommy Confessional

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The embarassing little things...

My DD who is a little over 2 years old does thing that are just down right embarrasing. When she was younger it was acceptable, even adorable depending on what she did. She has started the copy cat phase. So when we slip up and say a bad word she in return repeats it. We calming explain to her that we were wrong for saying it and whatever words we used and that she shouldn't ever say then. Last night when we were checking out at the grocery store out of nowhere she says "oh sh!t". I was so embarrased. I was also shocked into silence. All I could do was stare at her. Today we were eating out at the Riverway in three-rivers where she met another little girl who was her age. They became fast friends running around the table together and playing. They even hugged eachother, it was so adorable. When it was time for the little girl to go home with her family my DD threw a HUGE fit. I mean a nuclear bomb big! She tried to follow and when we explained it was time for her to leave she threw herself down on the ground and started bawling. We're talking real tears and screams. "Wait come back, come back" she screamed as well as "no no no no". You'd think my DD had never seen another little kid in her life. We had to pick her up calm her down and it was so embarrasing. Thank heavens there werent many people there at the time. When we got back to where my BIL and SIL and their friends were camping to go swimming she pooped in her bathing suit. She had only been in it five minutes. I was so mad. The reason I was mad is because we've been trying to potty train her for months now. It was even going very well, one accident a day sometimes none. Then one day she just decided she didn't want to be a big girl and wear underware or use the potty. So back to diapers. I get her all cleaned up and we head out and go swimming in the river. We get back, litterally just walked onto the camp site and I procede to change her and put a diaper on her and she squats and pees right there in front of everyone on the outdoors carpet. I was fumming mad and so embarrased. After cleaning up and changing her we head out and go home. It wouldn't be that bad if it was one incident here and there but one after another everytime we take her out it down right bad. I know shes only two and these things are going to happen. I understand that and accept that but there is a line that can be all too easily crossed and its being crossed. I feel like theres only so much punnishing you can do before you just throw up your hands and give up. Its either her or me thats going to be broken and unfortunately its looking like me. As of today I took her fruitsnacks away, only giving them to her when she uses the potty. Next on my list is her toys. When she acts out i'm just going to start taking them away from her. Theres really not much more I can do because cartoons are so limited now as it is. The tv in her room is maybe on once a week for an hour at a time. She only gets cartoons in the early mornings when she first gets up before I take over the tv. So in a sense i'm at my wits end but I know there are still options left to try out. The best thing I have found to do to deal with the stress of a two year old is to take a few deep breathes when i'm ready to freak out and tell myself that today is almost over that tomarrow will be better.

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