Mommy Confessional

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


We were finnaly able to get Liam's feeds up to 4ml's per hour. He seems to be handling them well. He has no signs on respitory distress or high heart rate. Sometime early next week or as early as friday he will be going to have a CT scan. Because he is a baby and moves alot they will have to put him under and intubate him. I know its a test he really needs done but I am worried that this time around they won't be bale to excubate him or when they do him lung will colapse. It's always a fear. After his CT and he starts bottle feeding some we might get to take him home for awhile depending on what the CT shows. We will be back within a month for a follow up with the surgeons. There will also be follow ups with a pulmanalogist, geneticist, ocupational therapist and more. The surgeon told us today her reccomendation is to let Liam heal and rest up from this last surgery before we do another. She won't do his diaphragm until he's completly healed up unless absolutely neccessary. I'm praying we can have him home with us on thanksgiving and christams instead of spending it in the hospital. Pastor Mark came up and fellowshiped with us today. He read us Psalms 141 and prayed for Liam and our family. Spiritually I had been trying to hold on strong but knew I was weak. It did wonders for me to be able to listen to as well as talk about the blessing's God has given us. We haven't been to church in way too long yet our Pastor and our church are supporting us, praying for us. I feel guilty for having strayed away. I feel worse that my daughter hasnt been to church since she was too young to remember. Hopefully, God willing, Liam will be well enough that we can start going back to church. Now its comming up on RSV season and we have to be even more careful than before. There are so many unknown and uncertainties ahead of us.

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