Mommy Confessional

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Liam is going in for surgery tomarrow around 1pm. He is getting a G-tube and a Nessen Fundoplication. Hopefully this will fix the problem and Liam will be able to hold down his foods. He got his first dose of Biotin tonight for his Biotinidase Deficiency and will continue to get it until we get the results back from his test. Theyre going to intubate Liam for surgery. Im not sure how Im going to react seeing a breathing tube in my son again. Too many memories of UCSF ICN. If they have problems excubating Liam then he will have to have it for a few days. It can also take up to 4 hours if there isnt any complications in surgery. If theres not a lot of scar tissue they will be able to do surgery laproscopically. Thats what Im hoping for. Praying little Liam is strong enough to survive this. Hes a fighter, even if he is weaker right now. All I want is for my baby boy to be good. I want him fixed. I want to take him home and enjoy the holidays without having to be in a hospital. Im trying really hard not to worry. I have no idea what Im going to do with myself for 4 hours while Liam is in surgery. I know right out of surgery I wont be able to hold him and that going to be hard. Im trying to keep myself from sleeping in the rocking chair all night with Liam in my arms. He needs a really good nights sleep so he can be strong. Were not exactly sure how much longer were going to be here. We know at least a week. I miss my cats, my house, my couch and my bed. You would think that this would get easier over time but its not. It seems to get worse with every taste of having my son home. I pray to God that we wont have to spend Thanksgiving or Christmas in the hospital. I know things could always be worse. Please pray for Liam.

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