Mommy Confessional

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

25.5 Weeks

Our "little bean" is growing so quickly. 25 1/2 weeks down, 14.5 weeks left until we meet the little man. He's so active right now. My daughter was very active in the womb but my son in by far more active. Almost always moving, kicking and stretching. He knows my voice and even my daughters voice. It's the strangest thing but I swear he has already started to develop relationships with those who pay attention to him. My sister in law Jen for instance. If she touches my belly he just goes nuts moving around and kicking for her. It's actually quiet painful at times. Now it's gotten so bad that when I'm around her he starts up after the first sentence she says. It's crazy. All his growing and moving has been causing alot of pain for me but it's almost over and I won't get to experience this miracle again seeing as how this WILL be my last pregnancy. I'm no where near the size I was with my daughter, I'm half the size now that I was with her at this same stage. I defiantly don't want to be huge but it was a concern for me. Apparently I'm just carrying him differently and the doctor isn't at all concerned. It's strange, this kid likes to really stretch out to the point you can see his feet at times just poke out.

It's all a journey that I didn't realize I missed until I got to go through it again. Of course I say now that I can't wait for it to be over but I know that after some time I will miss it. I'm just trying to take each day as they come and trying to enjoy them as much as possible.

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