Mommy Confessional

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Vicious Jungle

Jobs are scarce and the competition is at its all time high. It’s like a jungle out there. Fighting for survival. Fighting to stand out from the crowd. It’s hard to stand out from the crowd on a piece of paper but it essential and necessary. Most places only accept applications via an online source. You have to fill out their electronic application, attach your electronic resume and take their electronic quiz. Everything is done through the internet and very impersonal.
It’s a vicious world out there. I’ve been searching for a job for around 6 months to a year now. Out of all the applications I’ve filled out I’ve only gotten through to one phone interview. It’s not that I don’t have good work experience because I’m versed in several fields. I believe the problem lies within the electronic process. You have to pass their electronic personality test before your application is even viewed by a real live human being.
The whole process of finding a job has left me stressed, emotionally and physically drained, and just plain angry. You take the time to go through their process of applying for a job just to be sent an email stating that they’ve received numerous applicants and their sorry but at this time you’re not qualified. They don’t even care about your work experience, they only seem to care about what type of personality you are. Are you the analytical type? Are you passive aggressive? You skills mean nothing.
I’ve been scouring the job boards every other day. Spending hours at a time searching and applying just to be rejected or even gone unnoticed. All I’m asking for is a chance. A chance to prove myself. I’m an excellent worker. I do not leave jobs undone, in fact it bothers me who leave a job unfinished. I love working with people, other associated and customers alike. I can deal with the stress and the angry customers. I was a returns cashier during the peek returns time of year, after Christmas. You’ve never seen an angry customer until you have to tell them that you cannot return their child’s Christmas gift because they do not have a receipt. Or that you that you cannot return their measure cost because they didn’t like the several designs that you spend hours working on.
No I don’t think every body is out to get me. I don’t believe every customer out there is going to steal. Maybe that’s where the problem lies. On the personality quiz I always answer that I do not believe that every customer is going to steal. There is no section of the quiz where you can input things like “No I do not believe every customer is going to steal, but I do believe everyone has the potential”. Or “No I do not believe everyone steal little things like pens from their employers but I do believe that it does happen and that some people do believe that they have the right to take those things even though I do not believe they do”.
It’s hard to sit here and wait patiently for that big break when someone takes the chance and hires you. I’m not an impatient person but when it comes down to weather or not I’ll be able to afford diapers for my child then yes I will be impatient. I’ve already weighted out what matters the most, where my priorities are. I love that I’ve had the luxury of being a stay-at-home mom, but it’s time that I return to work. Bills need to be paid. Diapers need to be bought. There are just some things that mean more than others.
I’m not being picky about looking for a job. I’m applying anywhere and everywhere. I also believe there is a secondary problem. Something that employers most likely see as a flaw in my resume. The fact that I have been unemployed for the last two years because I’ve chosen to be a stay-at-home mom. Employers don’t care if your doing the right thing for your family. They want to see a consecutive work background with no empty spaces and no firings.
I’ve never been fired. I’ve always worked hard. I could just be thinking that these are the problems in my job search. All I know is that I’m at my wits end and I’m praying that I get a break soon. With neither me nor my husband working, things are tough. Too tough for me. It’s a vicious world out there and I’m fighting my way through this jungle called a job search.

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