Mommy Confessional

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Being a Mom

Its hard to belive that 3 years ago I was pacing the livingroom waiting for by daugher to be born. Now shes three and nothing like she was when she was born. She hardly even looks like her baby pictures. In three years she has changed so much and I am so proud of her. My beautiful baby girl is now a potty trained big girl who has no problem voicing her opinions. She picks out her own cloathes and tells you if she doesnt like something. She can pack her own "diaper bag" and tell you when shes ready to go. She askes when she wants something instead of crying. She can count to 10 and sing the alphabet song. She recognizes letters and numbers and knows that the red light means stop. When you try to keep her from understanding by saying "My mother" she understands your talking about her grandmother. Its amazing how smart she is. There isn't a day that goes by that I am not amazed by her abilities and brilliance. The best part of being a mother is knowing that she learned it all from me......or her daddy lol. I miss her being the small baby that she once was but wouldn't trade the world to go back to that. Watching her say excuse me in the store instead of push herself through I know I did something right. Being a mother has been the greatest joy in my life.

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